1R Ash End Farm

Well… what a fantastic final trip we have had in Year 1! Today we visited Ash End House Farm to help us learn a little more about animals and the countryside. We had such a fantastic hands-on experience and the children were just SO excited to be there!

First we were able to feed the goats with some fresh greens and porridge oats. The goats had tickly tongues but we were all so brave!

We saw two beautiful cows. They were resting in the shade on this hot, sunny day! Look at the bottles of milk in the photo. This is how much milk ONE cow can produce in ONE day!

We were all able to stroke some fluffy baby chicks! They were sooo tiny and soft!

Next it was time to feed the ducks! Their beaks felt a little like metal spoons!

We feed the sheep and lambs too. They were baa’ing very loudly when they saw us!

We visited the allotment and saw many different fruits and vegetables being grown. The children were excited to see peas growing as they love to eat these at breaktime! They also spotted some poppies which we have been sketching and painting in our art lessons.

We stopped by to admire a Shire horse and her foal. The Mummy horse was HUGE!

The children LOVED the bumpy tractor ride! We had to shout SCARECROW every time we spotted one. Goodness me… it was a noisy but scenic journey!

Finally, we had some time to play outdoors too.

A GREAT day was had by all! Thank you so much to Haitham’s & Aryan’s mummys who supported us today!

What did you enjoy most about your day? What did you learn?

11 responses to “1R Ash End Farm”

  1. Ayman Q.

    I really loved the bumpy, Traktor, ride.

  2. Sofia S.

    Sofia. S really enjoyed the trip and what’s to visit the farm again πŸ™‚. Her favourite animals to see were the horses 🐴

  3. Haitham B.

    I enjoyed feeding the goats because their tongues tickled my hand 🐐🐐 I liked the tractor ride too 🚜🚜

  4. Sofia-Carina M.

    I like the farm and I wish I could come again πŸ’›πŸ’ŸπŸŒΌβœ…πŸ’―πŸŽ‰πŸ’˜

    1. Miss Smith

      Me too Sofia! We had such a lovely day! Which animal did you like best?

  5. Ruqayyah B.

    I enjoyed everything it was so much fun !!!

    1. Miss Smith

      So glad you enjoyed it Ruqayyah! You were one of the bravest when feeding the animals. It made me smile!

  6. Logan B.

    Logan really had a good day. He said it was fun and loved it.

    1. Miss Smith

      So glad you enjoyed it Logan! I agree we had so much fun from start to finish!

  7. Anaya K.

    I loved the tractor ride. Thank you for organising this trip.

    1. Miss Smith

      It was so bumpy wasn’t it! You lot were soooo noisy shouting β€˜SCARECROW!!’ πŸ˜…

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