1Blue Homework – Spring 1

Hello 1Blue. Here is your homework for Spring 1.
Please make sure you complete 2 activities.

Education City link: https://go.educationcity.com

Reading challenge

Maths challenge

Do you want to be a superstar speller? If you do, practise your spellings in your homework book everyday.
Practise the spellings according to your colour group.

Green and Blue Group Spellings

Yellow and Orange Group Spellings

Red Group Spellings

As always, please use the sharepoint link to upload your brilliant WOW homework.1B UPLOAD HERE

133 responses to “1Blue Homework – Spring 1”

  1. Sarah B.

    Sarah did Math and English and got 100% on both.

  2. Emraan A.

    I did my homework at education city I got 100%

  3. Fatima T.

    Fatima completed her homework 🙂

  4. Khadija B.

    Khadija has completed her work on education city

  5. Maryam K.

    Maryam has completed her homework on education city

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Good job, Maryam!

  6. Maximilian J.

    I have completed my work and education city I got 100%.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Good job, Max!

  7. Liyana M.

    Liyana has completed her homework

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Good job, Liyana!

  8. Noah M.

    I have completed my homework.🌍

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super job, No-No!

  9. Haseeb B.

    i have done my education city got 100 percent

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super job, H!

  10. Denisa M.

    Deni has done her Education city.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super job, Deni!

  11. Advika B.

    I completed my maths and English homework in education city

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super job, Advika!

  12. Murtaza A.

    I have completed my home work

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super job, Murtaza!

  13. Hasnaa N.

    hasnaa has completed both her education city activities, achieving 85%in maths and 100% in literacy

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super job, Hasnaa!

  14. Arham S.

    I have completed my education city I got 100%.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super job, Arham!

  15. Emraan A.

    I did my homework in education city i 100%

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Superstar Emi!

  16. Sarah B.

    Sarah got 100% on her maths and English education city task.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Superstar for completing your homework on a Friday! 🌟

  17. Dhonshan R.

    I’ve done my homework.

    1. Dhonshan R.

      I’ve finished wow homework also, thank you

      1. Mr Mahmood

        Dhon! You have completed SO much work! What a superstar! I hope to see you next week, we miss you so much! 🌟

        1. Dhonshan R.

          Thank you Mr.Mahmood. ya I can come and see you next week. I also miss you all😢..

  18. Arham S.

    I have completed my education city.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Well done, Arham!

  19. Elgin A.


    1. Mr Mahmood

      We miss you Elgin. Can’t wait to have you back 👍🏼

  20. Evie T.

    Evie has completed her education city with 100% made it just in time 😃

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are brilliant!

  21. Murtaza A.

    I have completed my English challenge and education city.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super star Murtaza!

  22. Duaa A.

    Hi Mr Mahmood and Mrs Patel.

    Duaa is off until next week so I will share her daily work from home on sharepoint. Have sent in today’s already. Hope that is ok? Thanks

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi, thank you for your message. Work is looking great! Thank you for supporting. We can’t wait to have Duaa back! See you soon

  23. Liyana M.

    Liyana has completed her education city maths and got 100%. Liyana also completed the gold reading challenge.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Superstar Liyana!

  24. Sarah B.

    Sarah has completed the bronze and silver reading challenge and got 93% on education city

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super Sarah!

  25. Maximilian J.

    I have completed my work and education city I got 100% :)

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super Max!

  26. Denisa M.

    Denisa has uploaded her homework and done her education city.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Deni is a STAR!

  27. Haseeb B.

    I have done my reading challenge and also got 100 percent on Education city

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Good job, H!

  28. Maryam K.

    I have completed education city. I have uploaded my work on SharePoint.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Superstar Maryam 🌟

  29. Hasnaa N.

    I have completed both my work education city maths uploaded

    1. Mr Mahmood

      What a star! 🌟

  30. Iqra A.

    Iqra completed her homework and reading challenge.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Superstar Iqra 🌟

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