1Blue – Animation Week – Wednesday 

Today, the children enhanced their stop-motion animation skills with Mr Mahmood.

After creating their background scences and drawing their characters, the children used Stop Motion to create an animation.
Please watch their BRILLIANCE in the video below.

With Mrs Patel, the children went around school and recognised when ICT is used in everyday life.

What BH values did you use this afternoon? How did you find using the stop motion app?

7 responses to “1Blue – Animation Week – Wednesday ”

  1. Liyana M.

    That. Was. so much fun. Thank. you

  2. Ella C.

    I liked going in Ict room.i sawlots of computers

  3. Anu K.

    I enjoyed painting and enjoged using stop motion app.

  4. Ella C.

    I liked looking forict

  5. Ella C.

    I enjoyed painting and I used stop motion to create an animation

  6. Haseeb B.

    I enJoy doing are painting with my friend and we had a fun aftnoon

  7. Emraan A.

    I enjoyed walking around the school and I see the KS2 Suite.

    I enjoyed to walk around the and I see KS2 suite

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