1Blue – Animation Week – Friday

This week has been AMAZING! At the start of the week, the children had limited knowledge regarding animation and using the app, Stop Motion. Fast forward a couple of days, they have become experts in using the app. By doing so, they have created their very own Stop Motion Animation based on the book, Penguinpig! The children have added their narration to the clips too! Please enjoy the video 😁

How have you made progress this week? Have you learned any new skills? Let me know in the comments below.

3 responses to “1Blue – Animation Week – Friday”

  1. Latifa A.

    I enjoyed make I get theanimation because it was fun.

  2. Haseeb B.

    We had a fun day with my friends and I love it and we have a fun day

  3. Mrs A Patel

    I agree 1 blue , you all have had a brilliant week. You leant a new skill and created your own Stop Motion Animation based on a book called Penguin-pig. Well done everyone..

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