1B Trip to Herbert Art Gallery

Hello 1B, Tomorrow (16.05.24) we will be walking to the Herbert Art Gallery in Coventry City Centre. We will be spending time looking around the museum and will take part in a workshop to learn about toys from the past.

We will be leaving around 9:00am and returning before the end of the school day.

Please check the weather and dress the children accordingly. They may need to bring a light raincoat or wear a sun hat. Please can the children wear sensible shoes as it will be a long walk.

If you normally have a school dinner, we will provide your packed lunch for the day. Please bring an empty carrier bag with your name on. Please bring an additional bottle of water in a disposable bottle.

If you normally bring a packed lunch, please could you bring this in a carrier bag with your name on so that we can throw it away when you are finished. We also ask that you bring your drink in a disposable bottle. This will make our walk back to school a lot easier!

Reminder – all lunches should be nut-free due to many children in school having allergies. No fizzy drinks please.

If you require any medication on the day for any reason, please go to the office to fill in a form and ensure it is in the original packaging labelled with name and class. 

Thank you for your support,

Miss Korotania

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