Hello everyone, Year 6 are fundraising for the end of year prom.

We will be selling a delicious Hot Chocolate with halal marshmallows for

So please bring in a £1 coin, so you can enjoy this lovely treat before the holiday season begins!

Wednesday 15th December
*Year 1
*Year 4
*Year 2

Thursday 16th December (Morning)
*Year 3
*Year 5
*Year 6

33 responses to “£1 Hot Chocolate!”

  1. Osato O.

    Ok i will be bringing 1 pound in tommorow morning.

  2. Raees A.

    Thanks for information

  3. Sara H.

    thanks for the information! ill see if i can bring in £1 tomorrow!

  4. Noor A.

    ok I will pay 1 pound tomorrow morning

  5. Aysha R.

    Ok i will be bringing 1 pound in

  6. Emraan A.

    yum yum yum on my tummy

  7. Elyas A.

    yum yum yum on my tummy

    1. Zahra N.

      Thank you for the information Mrs Ahmad we really Enjoyed hot chocolate.

  8. Dhonshan R.

    Okay I’ll bring £1, and I’m ready to enjoy the lovely treat. Thank you.

  9. Marwah K.

    Wow I love hot chocolate I am so happy thank you so much!!!

  10. Safa S.

    Yes thank you very much My mum said

  11. Amirah T.

    I can’t wait!

  12. Aryan M.

    This will be good

  13. Sayda A.

    Ok thank you so much

  14. Mehar R.

    Thank you for letting me know

  15. Abdullah A.

    I would love to bring in £1 for hot chocolate, especially if it goes to our prom food.

  16. Jasmine M.

    I will bring in £1

  17. Ridwan U.

    I am very excited for tomorow. We get marshmallows as we had won the brick wall. Yes, I will bring a pound in for another hot chocalate.

    The brick wall winners should show a great role model and example. Whoever wins is an influence to all around them.

    To win the brick wall, you must have a brilliant attitude towards inanimate and animate objects, also contributing as much.

  18. Safa M.

    Yes thank you very much , my mum said yes.

  19. Ebenezer O.

    Yummy !!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Zainab A.

    Is it a break time

  21. Aamina B.

    I can’t wait!

  22. Sumayyah A.

    I will bring £1

  23. Madeeha T.

    We won the brick wall and we are so exited for the hot chocolate and marshmallows

  24. Maryam I.

    Iwant hot chocolate


  25. Maryam M.

    Me and my brother will bring in £1 each so we can drink hot chocolate!

  26. Tipian I.

    Thank you for letting me know stay safe 🌈

  27. Tipian I.

    Ok I might bring £1 Mrs Ahmed

  28. Simin W.

    I will bring £1, so I can drink hot chocolate!

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